Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friday, December 26, 2008

Colin's 1st Christmas!

Colin's first Christmas was really fun. We didn't get to bed untill late on Christmas Eve so we had to end up waking Colin up to open his presents so we could make it to Phillips moms by 10 for presents there too. He seemed to really like the presents we opened for him to play with before we left and he played with the paper a little. But he really loved playing with all the socks my mom put in his stocking. At 10 we went to Floras for present time there and then went to Phillips aunt's for lunch. Afterwards we had to go home because Phillip had to work that night.

Later I took Colin to Kristy and TJ's to see them, the girls, and Tommy and Patricia. We ate dinner and headed to Mcadenville aka Christmas town USA. It's the first time since Thanksgiving in FL that we have been able to take Colin to see the lights. He loves Christmas lights soo much. He stared out the window the whole time and didn't fuss untill we got done. But by the end he was ready for bed. At first we didn't think he was going to make it to the lights before he fell asleep but he woke up right when we got there so I took him out and put him in my lap so he could see out the window. Him and the girls seemed to really enjoy it. Overall it was a pretty good Christmas. We wish we could have seen the whole family, but maybe next time. Hope everyone else had a great Christmas.

Playing with some of the loot

Helping with his first present

Found his stocking

Playing the Drums

Just a couple from Colin's first Christmas

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Colin started a class called Kindermusik at the beginning of this month. We go to a class in Davidson every monday for about 45 minutes. It's a music class thats got kids from newborn age to 18 months. He always seems to enjoy being around all the other kids his age. This was the only way for us to get him around other kids his age. We sing to them and dance with them, and give them baby massages and help them stretch, and they have age appropriate instruments for them to play with. I think playing with some of the bells is what has helped him have better control with holding heavier things. We also think it is whay he has gotten so good at laying on his stomach without getting too fussy and has helped him roll over. He loves laying on his stomach and watching all the other kids, he keeps kicking trying to crawl with the older kids. It may seem a little crazy to have children that young in a music class but tehy all seem to really enjoy it and it introduces them to being around other children their age if they normally aren't.

The last month

In the last month Colin has gotten excellent head control. He loves sitting up and laying on his stomach for short periods of time. He has learned to roll from his back to his stomach and now does it every chance he gets when you lay him on his back some where that he has room to move. We went to the family reunion in Pennsylvania over labor day weekend and stayed at the family's campground. He always loves being around alot of people and outside so he did really great on the trip. He also got on his first swing while we were there and he seemed to like it. On the way back we got to stop and see my grandma Barb, his GG. He has gotten better control of his hands to where he can pick some heavier things up like his rattle. He laughs alot more now. And has figured out ways he can get our attention and make us laugh. He is doing really well.

Colin likes playing with his rattle

Colin can pick up his rattle pretty good now.

Just a couple from when we went to PA for the family reunion, and Colin with his GG

Colin at 4 months at work with his mommy

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Trying to roll over

He loves when you push on his butt or shake his legs when he's lying down.

He is getting really good at holding his head up while lying down.

Everytime she lifted his hands up he opened his mouth. It was soo cute.

Colin up to 3 months

Colin at 3 months

These next pictures are of Colin between coming home and now at 3 months. He is now 12 lbs 9 oz and 23 inches long. Now he smiles both when you smile at him and whenever he sees something that makes him smile. He also started laughing a few days ago when he sees us laugh. It's awesome now to see him do those things on purpose instead of just when he happens to do it but isn't sure what it is. He wants to sit up soo bad and loves for us to keep him proped up almost all the time. He found his feet a lil while back and loves to hold them all the time. We have gotten him to start holding onto stuff like his rattles to shake it about a month or so ago. Every day he suprises us and makes us laugh. Colin had an ear infection and a cold about a week ago, but his meds have seemed to help him alot and he is back to his normal playful happy self.

Colin's Room

Colin's Room

Me and Phillip painted the room in stars and clouds to match the bedding we got for him. Jason and Ashleigh helped us with the fan and the letters. They got us the letters and the gift card we used for the paint for our babyshower in Kings Mountain. It took a lil while to paint the stars and Phillip did the clouds by himself because I was affraid to mess them up. Overall I think it turned out pretty good since neither of us is really artistic.

Florida Baby Shower

Blacksburg Baby Shower

Kings Mountain Baby Shower

Baby showers for Colin

We had three baby showers. One in Kings Mountain, then one in Blacksburg, and then we had one in Florida after Colin got here near the 4th of July. Thanks to everyone for everything, it was all great and thanks to all our friends and family we had pretty much everything we needed to get him through for a while.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Colin's First Week Home

The Family at The Hospital

Colin in the Hospital

Kind of out of order

Ok the next post is going to be a little out of order but I just now got the pictures loaded up. These next pictures are going to be from Colin's first week. They are going to be him in the hospital with all the family and then at home when me, Phillip, and Nana the first week and a half. All of the pictures I post on here can be clicked on and they will take you to my photobucket account where you can see them better if you would like.

Florida part 2

We went to Florida for the fourth of July. While we were there Colin got to meet almost all of the family. We took him to Silver Springs, which is sort of like a zoo and a park in one. It was really great. We also took him down to the beach near Ponce Inlet on the way to the lighthouse. He got to go all the way to the top of the lighthouse with his dad, Nana and Grandpa Shawn. Michele and Jim went with us to the lighthouse too. He really liked Michele. Nana carried him all the way to the top while I stayed at the bottom because once I started walking up I didnt feel good and decided it would be better to stay at the bottom. He did really good and seemed to be happy the whole time.

Monday, August 25, 2008